­­­RAP15, Remote PC Alarm

Micro Seven Inc. model RAP15, Remote PC Alarm receives IP commands from distance server, dials local telephone numbers and transmits Contact-ID alarm messages to alarm receivers. As shown in a diagram below, RAP15s are placed in major cities for receiving IP commands from servers. Message Success or Call Failed messages are transmitted to the original PC servers for tests. RAP15 contains a HTTP server which accepts standard HTP1.1 protocol message with telephone number and contact-ID message for dialing central station’s telephone number and delivering messages. RAP15 is a custom product.
Copyrights Micro Seven, Inc., 2013, 2014, 2023

The left picture is the front panel of RAP15 with telephone connector and LED indicators for power and OH/BUSY. The right picture is the rear panel of RAP15 with power connector and Ethernet connector. Note: RAP15 may be housed in a different case.                                                                                                                                                                            


-Save long-distance and international telephone calls

-Testing alarm receivers from remote locations

-sending alarm messages to any place with Internet connection
-for continuous 24/7 testing of all alarm receivers and telephone lines

-optional PIN and encryption of TCP packets for telephone number, alarm message, port number, and other IP parameters
-RAP15 does not contain auto-dialer feature.


Micro Seven, Inc. model RAP15 contains TCP server function for custom TCP communications and optional HTTP 1.1 protocol for Ethernet/Internet interface. RAP15 receives TCP packets from TCP-client. It dials telephone number and delivers Contact-ID messages at telephone line interface. RAP15 re-transmits alarm messages until receiving kiss-off tones from alarm receivers for maximum four times. If there are telephone line problems, RAP15 redials the telephone numbers until the alarm receivers transmits kiss-off tones back to RAP15 for maximum three times. Message success or Call Fail messages are transmitted from RAP15 to PC for alarm messages delivery status. RAP15 is not only for reporting emergency conditions but it is also useful for sending test messages for testing alarm receivers.

Alarm messages that are transmitted:

Format: Contact-ID

Account number: 9999

Event: 600 Test/Misc,  610 Test/Misc, or  601 Manual Triger Test Report

Zone: 55

Partition: 222

Contact-ID message: 999918160055222(checksum)


Software components that are provided utilizing rap15.dll:


Note: “rap15.dll” provides TCP socket programming and transmits IP messages to RAP15.


#include “rap15.h


include “rap15.c” in your project. Include rap15.dll in your project directory. Use the following command to access RAP15:


int RAP15sendmessage2(LPSTR alarmmessptr, LPSTR telephoneptr,LPSTR portptr, LPSTR ippointer,LPSTR replyptr, int mode,  int messagelength);

Returning value: 0 for normal, 1 for socket error

Alarmmessptr: (input parameter) memory pointer for alarm message buffer, i.e. “1234181131010158”


Telephoneptr: (input parameter) memory pointer for telephone number buffer, i.e. “9,5035551212”


Portptr: memory: (input parameter)  pointer for IP port number, i.e. “9999”


Ippointer: (input parameter) memory pointer for server IP address, i.e. “”, “alarmtesting5.dyndns-ip.com”, or “yourcompany.com” for accepting DNS and Dynamic DNS name resolution


Replyptr: (output parameter) memory pointer for reply message, single byte containing hex 1 for MESSSAGE SUCCESS, hex 2 for CALL FAILED, 0 for WORK IN PROGRESS


Mode (input parameter): 0 for hang-up after successful message transmission, 1 for no hang-up after successful message transmission, 2 for hang up telephone (going on-hook), 3 for reading test result.


Messagelength (output parameter) contains a number of byte in the reply message pointer “replyptr”.


The screen shot of the demo program, “rap15demo”:


When the “SEND MESSAGE” button is clicked, an IP command string consisting of a Contact-ID message of “1234181131010158” and a telephone number of “9,5035551212” is transmitted to RAP15 with the Server IP Address of “”.  RAP15 opens an off-hook relay, dials “9”, wait for 2 second because of a comma in the telephone-string, dials “5035551212”, which may be a telephone number of an alarm receiver. RAP15 transmits a message of “1234181131010158” after receiving handshake tone from the alarm receiver. The alarm receiver transmits kiss-off tone to RAP15, which turns off the off-hook relay to end the sequence.


RAP15 transmits the transmission result of Message Success in the Transmission Result window below. The demo program actually transmits the IP command to start RAP15 to dial and send alarm messages.  And it continuously polls RAP15 for “MESSAGE SUCCESS” or “CALL FALED” for every two seconds.




DC-05 digital communication standard(contact-ID)


Ethernet/Internet specifications


IP commands are transmitted via TCP ports.

Unique MAC address for each RAP15

Domain Name Service resolution

ICMP-server (ping)

Dynamic DNS Client Update for dyndns.com, no-ip.com, or dnsomatic.com

DHCP client
SMTP client

SNTP (real-time) client

Optional http command reception

Programmable IP port number


Power input: 12VDC @200ma by a provided AC/DC adapter


(Custom) SIA FSK format 1 and Pulse 4+2 dialer


(Custom)PIN and encryption:
AES 128, 192 or 256 bits encryption of receiving alarm messages and telephone numbers
Programmable PIN


(Custom)HTTP server Option

HTTP server is to receive dialing telephone number and contact-ID alarm messages from Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer instead of the custom TCP server. For example, command for accessing http server at for dialing a telephone number 18005551234 at FXO interface and delivering Contact-ID message of 1234181131010158 is shown in the picture below..

Name or Dyndns may be used instead of IP address of

Polling command for message delivery result such as “message success” or “message fail” is also included.

Note: Standard port:80 unless port number specified in the command string of HTTP1.1 protocol specifications.


Made in U.S.A.


We also have AP15 and AP70 that contains conventional RS232 interface instead of Ethernet/Internet.


Micro Seven, Inc.

Home Page: www.microseveninc.com

Email: sales@microseveninc.com

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